Sunday, January 17, 2010

Make up your mind!

i apologize for being a woman, having mood swings but wanting to have them around you, crying but only wanting to cry around you, being manja but only wanting to be that around you
i apologize for being annoying
i apologize for wanting you
i apologize for having you as the only one i wanna be with
i apologize for being me with you
but then, i also apologize for letting you be a man
i apologize for supporting you
i apologize for being there for you
i apologize for letting you lean on me
i apologize for letting you be comfortable with me and letting you pour out your troubles to me
i apologize for letting you be you
i apologize for laughing with you
i apologize for having makan with you
i apologize for holding your hand and letting you hold mine

i just don't know what's right anymore, i don't what's in your head, do you wanna be with me?

bile takde mood, macam taknak bercakap langsung, at least a good morning, a 'how are you?' but nothing. and when you chose to be under the same roof with me, what's it gonna be like then? we have seperate rooms when you're in a bad mood? what?

i don't understand you, you can't just wanna be with me when you wanna be with me. what happens when i wanna be with you and you're not in the mood? this is just effed up!

Friday, January 1, 2010


2010 To Do List:

  • ASB
  • Nak Kawin!
  • Nak Travel!
  • Nak SHOPPING (clothes) bile dah kurus nanti (I'd probably only start shopping when i've went down to 50kg, at least 52kg la...leh?) - oh, shopping untuk kasut, bags, accessories, home decor masih boleh kan :P and Shit, i still need to shop for office attire...damn!
2. KURANGKAN berat badan (yeah, that's been my to do every other year yang tak penah tercapai)
3. Travel more, tak kira lah dalam ke luar negara (Baby, sile2 simpan duit juga yeee)
4. More CONCERTS! More DANCING & JUMPING! (untuk stress release and weight loss, boleh?)
5. Outdoor activities please!

The less important are:
7. Improve work relationships but avoid making friends at work.

hmmmm, there's only 1 less important.

Number 4 dah bermula masa new year hari tu. I danced to Basement Jaxx' DJ-ing for 6hours straight - it was THE best! I'll update my experiences in Singapore when i get back.