Gosh, again, it's like a necessity for me to wait a lifetime before i update my blog again. Kinda trendy huh?
I'm not sure what i should be updating knowing there isn't anyone actually following. Kinda like talking to a wall here. But then again for what reason should i be having followers?
A lot has happened in the period i hadn't been updating: a few break-ups with the same person, haha, the official break-up with the same mentioned person, an acceptance of a few new people in my life (there's Ava Sophea, my baby niece born on the 15th of June, 2010 (or has that already been mentioned?)
and there's Mohd. Rezza Adinata Hutagalung who i met on the 31st (or was it 30th?) of January, 2011 and who is now my official Mr. Loverboy.
But there is a but in this little relationship of ours, quite a number of buts actually. But that's for us to handle on our hour. Fate is in God's hands and i'll accept whatever He has planned out for me.
I can say i've also found myself another friend i can consider close. Dah kenal for quite awhile, tapi rapat agak baru juga, i think it has been about slightly more than a year of us being close - and it started with the below am-mature painting attempts:

What else? I've been travelling last year for work purposes. 5 countries: Thailand, Australia, Japan, Vietnam & Singapore. This year there had been rumours that i'll have to travel to Netherlands, Serbia, France, Italy and other European countries which have yet to be confirmed. It's been all fun and sounds all fun but i really don't think that this training position is for me. I mean yeah it sounds like
WOW knowing that i'd get to travel to all these places tapi macam i'm not happy doing what i'm during and i'm still in the verge of searching for what's right.
Coming to my skin pula, it hasn't been treating me all that fair. Dahla asyik breaking-out, kena pulak break-out at all the wrong places - yang paling tak boleh terima is it's been breaking out on my face which put me in a lot of depression for quite a while. Lama pulak tu. Dah on MC for over 2 weeks and still continuing. But i'm trying to be optimistic and just praying that i get better in the near future. Bila dah sehat nanti i might build up the courage to post a picture of my face during the time it was in an aweful state. Like a before and after.
There are a few plans in the pipeline to ensure i maintain my health after, Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku tolongla no more outbreaks. It has got to be gone once and for all.