Alhamdulillah, the doctor bagi discharge hari Friday hari tu, and ya Allah Alhamdulillah i look much better. The doctor bagi up to 8th of July to be on MC so i got a whole 2 weeks of nothing. Well not really nothing la, ada jugak kena buat keja dari umah but i'm glad that i don't need to go back to the office so soon. I thought of going back to work next week tapi i shouldn't take any chances, mentang-mentang lesion baru tutup, macam la die takleh nak open balik. Not gonna say much, but here are the before, during & after photos. Jangan terkejut cause it's horrid.
Before (ada 1 ja):

1st During (bila bangun tido & guna flash):

Scary stuff huh? Would never EVER wanna go through that again. EVER EVER EVER!
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