Sunday, January 17, 2010

Make up your mind!

i apologize for being a woman, having mood swings but wanting to have them around you, crying but only wanting to cry around you, being manja but only wanting to be that around you
i apologize for being annoying
i apologize for wanting you
i apologize for having you as the only one i wanna be with
i apologize for being me with you
but then, i also apologize for letting you be a man
i apologize for supporting you
i apologize for being there for you
i apologize for letting you lean on me
i apologize for letting you be comfortable with me and letting you pour out your troubles to me
i apologize for letting you be you
i apologize for laughing with you
i apologize for having makan with you
i apologize for holding your hand and letting you hold mine

i just don't know what's right anymore, i don't what's in your head, do you wanna be with me?

bile takde mood, macam taknak bercakap langsung, at least a good morning, a 'how are you?' but nothing. and when you chose to be under the same roof with me, what's it gonna be like then? we have seperate rooms when you're in a bad mood? what?

i don't understand you, you can't just wanna be with me when you wanna be with me. what happens when i wanna be with you and you're not in the mood? this is just effed up!

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